
I always wanted to be an actress. I announced that long before I could read or write.
Dressing up was one of my favorite childhood pastimes. I started to discover the passion that still drives me today: Sinking into a role, going deep into someone else’s world, having unexpected experiences in it, and ultimately recognizing myself.
Later – I was full of energy and a thirst for movement – I couldn’t imagine studying acting. The prospect of dealing with all this classical material seemed too top-heavy to me at the time and scared me off. I had been dancing since I was six years old and was so connected to this form of expression that I decided to pursue a 3-discipline education with acting, singing and dancing.
As with many dancers, my active phase did not last. With a heavy heart, I said goodbye after a knee accident and found comfort in my second love: music and singing. So I finally freed my body from all the tightness and tension it had needed for dancing. As a → singer, I worked for several years in theater, in show productions, and in various band formations, until one day my original desire caught up with me again: Acting!
It’s now or never, I thought, wanting to finally give myself over to the exciting stories that want to be told. After all the entertainment, I longed to play multi-layered characters: Pure, intimate, preferably on camera, without much fanfare – away from what I already knew.
And so the work with my coach Sigrid Andersson at the „Tankstelle“ in Berlin-Mitte led me directly to my first filming experiences and, a few years later, finally to the successful ZDF/teamWorx production „Generation War“ (directed by Philipp Kadelbach), which won the German Television Award (Best Multipart) in 2013 and the Golden Camera (Best TV Movie) and the International Emmy (Best
TV Movie/ Mini Series) in 2014.
Today, I have gratefully arrived in this profession where you never actually arrive. I’m happy to be part of the art form that keeps me so enthralled myself. I get to express being human in all its facets: being beautiful and ugly, strong and fragile at the same time, and celebrating contradiction.